Photo by Natalie Pedigo on Unsplash

1. Be Real

Share your story with your team. Let them know that you also have a life with dreams, and challenges (no need to overshare here). But your team needs to know that you are just an ordinary person, with hopes, dreams, and disappointments. Laugh with them and be a part of their non-work-related conversations.

2. Be Present

Listen to your team when they talk to you. No. Really… listen. As if they were a dear friend or family member. They want to be heard, they want to share with you. They have problems and concerns, just like you. Sometimes, they just need an ear and someone who will understand.

3. Be Available

Be approachable. Let them know they can come to you when they need to. No matter how busy you are, always make yourself available. Even if it is just for a few minutes.

4. Be Reasonable

Everyone has stuff going on. Understand this, but make sure they meet you halfway. If they put in the hours, give them the opportunity to take the time off when they need it most. This, they will really appreciate and will go a long way to motivate them when the going gets tough.

5. Be a Role Model

Work with the team, get your hands dirty with them, stay late with them. This will teach them a great work ethic.

6. Be a Coach

Teach your team in every possible moment. Point out their mistakes, but always show them a way of doing it right. Create opportunities for them to figure it out themselves, allowing valuable learning that they will appreciate.

7. Be a Mentor

Guide them, not only in work but also in life. Let them learn from your experience.